Moving Mind Counseling
Counseling and Coaching for Individuals
Confidential individual healthy lifestyle improvement.
Module 1: How your brain works.
Our brains are very complex information systems. But, from a 'users' perspective we just need to know that the brain only exists to take in information from our senses, compare that information with past memories (models) and predict if what it is sensing is dangerous to us, and if it is, ready our body to do something about it.
Our minds are constantly updating our models of the world. Learn what your thought models are and how to update them on purpose.
Module 2: States of mind
A "state of mind" is our perception of the quality of our thoughts. Our states of mind are built from birth through experiences and interactions and relationships with people, especially our primary caregivers. As we grow, sensory triggers (smells, peoples expressions, conversations, etc.) will recall states of mind unconsciously. These states of mind generate an emotional state and reaction. If the state of mind is sufficiently strong, we can get stuck in those old memories and behaviors. Our goal is to become aware of those states and how to move out of them on purpose when they arise.
Module 3: How action changes states of mind.
Because our brain is always creating the next state of mind from inputs, the state of mind cannot change unless some action is taken to alter those inputs and change the model. The simple act of changing perspective moves the mind into a new state. But this alone will not sustain the new state. Our brain will find the old patterns it is so good at looking for and reintroduce the thoughts that put us back into the uncomfortable state.
If we couple the action with new, more positive associations, however, the patterns, predictions and priming that our mind does will eventually change.
Module 4: Problem solving for permanency.
Now that we have become aware of our old patterns, associations, predictions, reactions and have started to change those patterns through simple actions, we are ready to problem solve. And problem solving is much easier once the interference of emotions is removed.
Solving the physical challenges in our lives is a simple process of laying out the causes and effects that build into our problems. Once we can see the physical causes clearly, we can start to address each one, one at a time. Problem solving successfully begins to restore our sense of control and confidence in our decision making capability, further replacing the old associations with new ones. At this point, continued health and feeling better arises from remaining aware of our thoughts and solving any challenges as they are encountered.